CTPAT Initiatives Statement

In November 2001 U.S. Customs and Border Protection launched a government- private sector partnership called the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT). The joint initiative is designed to improve the security of cargo entering the United States without inhibiting the flow of trade. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requires participants to continually assess, develop, and communicate new practices to enhance security throughout the entire supply chain.

As participants Thunderbolt Global Logistics, LLC supports CTPAT initiatives and takes great pride in our role in protecting America from terrorism.  Thunderbolt’s management commits to the following procedures consistent with CTPAT Customs Broker Criteria.

  • Complying with CTPAT program requirements to ensure integrity at each stage of Thunderbolt’s supply chain.
  • Meeting recommended business and security practices.
  • Immediately notifying CBP and Supply Chain Security Specialist (SCSS) of any suspicious activities, anomalies, or security breaches.
  • Providing security guidelines and training for Thunderbolt Global Logistics employees.
  • Proactively educating and practicing outreach to Thunderbolt’s clients and business partners that may be unaware of CTPAT requirements.

While we are a small sized company our influence on international trade is not miniscule, and we take supply chain security very seriously.  Security is everyone’s responsibility and all of Thunderbolt’s employees, vendors, service providers, and visitors are expected to comply with CTPAT standards.

James (Jim) Shapiro LCB, CCS
Thunderbolt Global Logistics, LLC



Thunderbolt Featured in Project Cargo Weekly

Jim Shapiro, Founder & Owner of Thunderbolt Logistics was interviewed  in Project Cargo Weekly.  An excerpt is below, and a link to the full article.

October 22, 2020 Interviews, Project Freight Forwarding, USA

Interview with Mr. Jim Shapiro, Owner

First of all, Jim can you explain to our readers about the choice of company name? Why did you choose the name Thunderbolt? When was the company started, and is it owned by you?

We use January 16, 2008 as our starting date as this was the date when we received our Ocean Transportation Intermediary (OTI) license from the Federal Maritime Commission. There were three of us at the time, and we shared space with another freight forwarder who were friends of mine and they gave us free rent. Without them, it would have been harder to get the company going. It was several months before the financial crisis in late 2008. Thankfully, the crisis really didn’t impact us very much.

The company was started with my childhood friend Stu Tobin. We both grew up just outside of Boston. He and I had known each other since we were 12 & 11 years old, respectively. I was more involved commercially, and Stu handled all the administration. I had been in the industry 23 years when we started the company. I had worked for only one company prior to starting Thunderbolt. I learned so much from them over my first 23 years.

We chose the name Thunderbolt Global Logistics for a reason that not many people around the world may understand.  Stu and I wanted to name the company in a way that would make us both smile when we answered the phone.     We were both fans of the 1930’s comedy team, The Three Stooges. [Editor’s note: Anyone not familiar with this famous comedy trio, can click on this link to learn more.]  In one episode, called Playing the Ponies, they trade their restaurant for a nag of a horse called Thunderbolt.  He ended up winning the big race.  That’s where we got our name.  I also like thoroughbred horse racing.   Baltimore is famous for a horse race called The Preakness Stakes. This race, run on the third Saturday in May (except this year due to Covid 19), is the second jewel of the Triple Crown for 3-year-old horses .  That’s why we have a horse as part of our logo.

Whenever we have hired someone, we have them watch the Three Stooges episode on Day 1, so they know where the name came from.  We call it our “training video”.  Stu retired in early January 2020 and sold his 50% interest to me.  I am now the sole owner of the company.

There are a lot of logistics providers in the US and even more so on the East Coast.  What makes you stand out?

Our approach is to make the experience of working with Thunderbolt an easy one.  We want our clients and overseas partners to feel that it’s not difficult working with us.  We have always had a flat organizational structure, so decisions can be made quickly.   No red tape, no corporate B.S.  We don’t need 6 signatures to get approval to do something.  If it needs to get done, we get it done.   We are a relationship-driven company.   Personal relationships mean so much to us which is why I have traveled overseas a lot since we started the company.

We only have one office, but we have a national footprint due to our infrastructure.  We have asset and non-asset based truckers that we work with all over the United States.  We have warehouses that we work with in all ports and in most major cities in the interior of the country.  We have great relationships with the terminal operators and port officials in most of the East Coast and Gulf Coast ports.  We try to be as creative as possible in finding solutions for our customers and overseas partners.


Thunderbolt Global Logisticsupdated statement on Covid-19/Coronavirus  March 20, 2020

Thunderbolt Global Logistics is very concerned about the health and welfare of everyone around the world and their families.  This is especially true for our staff, clients, agents and vendors.   It’s paramount we do everything we can to stop the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

Starting on Monday March 23, 2020 the majority of our staff will work remotely from home.  If the Federal Government, State of Maryland and City of Baltimore allow businesses to stay open, we will have someone in the office during the day. I will be in the office whenever a member of our staff is in the office.   All phone extensions are set up to transfer to the cell phone of the person you are trying to reach.  We are taking all necessary steps so that we have no disruption in service if we all have to telecommute.

We anticipate more state governments will ask non-essential businesses to close.    Logistics is considered an essential business/industry so we don’t anticipate that trucks will be idled.  Freight can and is moving right now with limited disruption.   The availability of drivers will be impacted as more restrictions are imposed.     We are monitoring the situation closely.     It will be challenging if companies close or reduce their hours and still delivery/pick up cargo.

At this time seaports and airports in the United States are open for cargo movement.  Some terminals are reducing their hours based on volume.  This is especially true at the Port of Long Beach/Los Angeles.  Space on vessels is very tight right now especially to/from Europe and to the Middle East and Asia.

It’s a very challenging time if you are shipping by air to/from anywhere in the world.  Passenger flights have been dramatically reduced and capacity worldwide has dwindled.   Air freight costs are increasing it seems on a daily basis.
It’s an unprecedented situation.

Our continued goal is to keep our staff healthy and safe and cargo moving without disruption.  Our great team at Thunderbolt Global Logistics will do everything we can to assist our clients, agents and domestic partners.

We hope everyone we work with stays safe and remains virus free.

Thank you.

Jim Shapiro

Thunderbolt Global Logistics LLC



Thunderbolt Global Statement on Covid-19/Coronavirus

Thunderbolt Global Logistics is very concerned about the health and welfare of our excellent staff and their families.

At this time we are working from our office. This could change quickly depending on the situation in Baltimore City and the State of Maryland. All of our staff have the ability to telecommute from home. We are taking all necessary steps so that we have no disruption in service. If we all have to telecommute, we have done this previously when we have had bad weather and will work in the same manner if the need arises.

We have instituted a policy of no office visitors, no attending industry events, no overseas travel. We are following guidelines of the Center for Disease Control. We will continue to monitor their updates.

Our goal is to keep our staff safe and cargo moving without disruption. Our service level will not suffer if we have to work remotely. Hopefully the steps local, state and national government are taking will mitigate the spread of the virus.

We hope everyone we work with is safe and remains virus free.

Jim Shapiro

Thunderbolt Global Logistics LLC


Section 301 Tariffs Phase Two

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) published a list earlier this month of approximately $16 billion worth of imports from China that will be subject to a 25 percent additional tariff as part of the U.S. response to China’s unfair trade practices related to the forced transfer of American technology and intellectual property. This second tranche of additional tariffs under Section 301 follows the first tranche of tariffs on approximately $34 billion of imports from China, which went into effect on July 6.

Customs and Border Protection will begin to collect the additional duties on Chinese imports on Thursday August 23, 2018. The second tranche (portion) of products can be accessed here.

In March 2018, USTR released the findings of its exhaustive Section 301 investigation that found China’s acts, policies and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property and innovation are unreasonable and discriminatory and burden U.S. commerce.

Specifically, the Section 301 investigation revealed:

·     China uses joint venture requirements, foreign investment restrictions, and administrative review and licensing processes to require or pressure technology transfer from U.S. companies.

·     China deprives U.S. companies of the ability to set market-based terms in licensing and other technology-related negotiations.

·     China directs and unfairly facilitates the systematic investment in, and acquisition of, U.S. companies and assets to generate large-scale technology transfer.

·     China conducts and supports cyber intrusions into U.S. commercial computer networks to gain unauthorized access to commercially valuable business information.

A third list has been published and these may go into effect sometime in September. You can see the list of tariff numbers possibly impacted here.

Please contact your Import Coordinator if you have any questions.

Thank you!


Jim Shapiro/Stu Tobin

Thunderbolt Global Logistics LLC



Section 301 Tariffs from China go into effect today

Dear Valued Customer,

Section 301 Tariffs from China go into effect today, Friday July 6,2018.

Following a Memorandum from President Trump, on August 18, 2017, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) initiated an investigation under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 into the government of China’s acts, policies, and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation.

Following USTR’s Section 301 investigation, President Trump announced in March that the United States will impose tariffs on approximately $50 billion worth of Chinese imports and take other actions in response to China’s policies that coerce American companies into transferring their technology and intellectual property to domestic Chinese enterprises. These policies bolster China’s stated intention of seizing economic leadership in advanced technology as set forth in its industrial plans, such as “Made in China 2025.” 

In June President Trump announced that the tariffs would go into effect Friday July 6th.

That day has arrived and an additional 25% tariff will now go into effect on 818 Chinese Products. There are 284 additional products scheduled to be impacted by the additional 25% tariff but no date has been announced for the implementation on those products.

The first list comprises 818 products with a total import value of $34 billion, down from the 1,300 goods valued at $50 billion that had originally been proposed. A large percentage of the items on this list are from HTSUS Chapters 84, 85, 87, 88, and 90, such as engines and motors; construction, drilling, and agricultural machinery; machines for working minerals, glass, rubber, or plastic; rail locomotives and rolling stock; motor vehicles and motorcycles; helicopters and airplanes; and testing, measuring, and diagnostic instruments and devices.

The second list comprises 284 tariff lines with a total import value of about $16 billion. Many of these products are also classified in Chapters 84, 85, 87, and 90, but various products in chapters 27, 34, 38, 39, 70, 73, 76, and 89 are also included. Affected goods include plastics and plastic products; industrial machinery; machinery for working stone, ceramics, concrete, wood, hard rubber or plastic, and glass; cargo containers; tractors; and optical fibers.

We will continue to monitor the actions of the U.S. Government.  An all out trade war is imminent as China will impose similar tariffs on products that are exported from the United States, particularly in the agricultural sector. 

Thank you!


Jim Shapiro/Stu Tobin

Thunderbolt Global Logistics LLC



Thunderbolt moves 2 steel mill rolls weighing 15,783 kgs each

Two steel mill rolls weighing 15,783 kgs each arrived at The Port of Baltimore on a 40’ flat rack.  The Thunderbolt team arranged to have it picked up, all wrapping removed and loaded on 2 flat bed trucks fully tarped and delivered them to Mansfield, OH.

Thunderbolt Global routinely handles the transportation of steel mill rolls throughout the United States. This is business has grown for us and has become an area of specialization.


2017 Propeller Club Crab Feast attended by Thunderbolt

The Crab Feast is organized and run almost exclusively by volunteers – by Propeller Club members like Thunderbolt Global. The Crab Feast is a fun event, great for networking in the Greater Baltimore community. A good time was had by the Thunderbolt Global team.

Thunderbolt Global attends The CLC Project Network Conference in Panama City


Jim Shapiro & Chris Osborne attended the CLC Project Network conference in Panama City, Panama in October.   As part of the conference they visited the new Panama Canal locks in Colon that opened on June 26th that allow post Panamax size vessels to transit the canal.

The photo shows the MSC Silvia transiting the Agua Clara locks in Colon coming from the Atlantic Side and heading toward the Pacific side   Total time to go through the new locks shown is approximately 4 hours.



Thunderbolt sends Indy Race Car to 2016 Paris Auto Show

Thunderbolt exported this Indy race car to the 2016 Paris Auto show under an ATA carnet. This was sent from Indianapolis to Le Havre, France.

As with all Thunderbolt shipments of a sensitive nature, great care was taken by our team to ensure arrival in perfect condition. Images of the vehicle can be seen below.

The car is currently being imported back to the U.S. and upon arrival will be sent back to Indianapolis.  To learn more about our process of delivering excellence, call us at 410-633-2722, or email an inquiry using our contact form.
